Founded in 1960, The Blood Center is the primary supplier of blood, blood components and plasma derivatives to local hospitals throughout South Louisiana and Southern Mississippit. We are a non-profit, community service organization guided by a volunteer Board of Trustees, comprised of community leaders and hospital representatives. The Blood Center is licensed by the United States Food and Drug Administration, accredited by the American Association of Blood Banks, and is a member of America's Blood Centers, Blood Center of America and The South Central Association of Blood Banks. As well as being the primary blood provider to hospitals in South Louisiana and South Mississippi, The Blood Center is a member affiliate of America's Blood Centers (ABC), North America's largest network of community-based blood providers that supplies half of the United States volunteer donor blood supply. ABC members were first to respond to national tragedies like Oklahoma City, Columbine and 9/11. Our mission is to provide a quality supply of blood components to meet the needs of the communities served by The Blood Center, and to provide the technical support needed by the blood banking profession to achieve the highest safety and ethical standards.