There are a lot of green and renewable energy solutions out there that solve a lot of our problems, but not every technology works best for everyone. Renewable resources are locally specific – some areas are great for wind, others for solar, still others for geothermal or hydro-electric – pun intended, green energy resources are all over the map.The Limelight Power partnership network strives to connect consumers, businesses, governments, anyone who's interested in going green with those local professionals who have the experience and the knowledge to get the job done. In our eyes it's about creating solutions that fit the client's specific circumstances and needs.Local expertise combines with a robust network of professionals and global access to the latest and greatest technologies means that Lime Light professionals are capable of servicing virtually any and all of your green technology needs. Need a wind guy, no problem. Solar solution, we have it. EV charging, ready to roll. Quick fix, green roof, energy audit, lighting retrofits, HVAC efficiency upgrade – gotcha covered. Our aim is to become the pre-eminent global brand for the renewable energy industry and the new energy economy.