ConvergenceAsia is an enterprise tech portal with a people focus. Our aim is to connect businesses and professionals in the data ecosystem through news, analysis and discussions.\\In today's data-driven economy, the businesses that succeed are those that can transform data into actionable insights, and have the guts and the gumption to act on these insights.\\Powering these business imperatives is the data ecosystem that comprises a wide range of roles such as data centre managers; hardware, software, and security specialists; cloud computing and managed services professionals; researchers and consultants; data analysts and data scientists; and many more. \\Through and our social media channels, our team of contributors will share information, analysis and research that we hope will be beneficial to the various members of this data community. \\We also want to hear from you and engage you in conversations around the latest industry issues and trends. We want to find out more about the roles you play in the data ecosystem, the challenges that you face, and the learning points that would be useful to others. \\We hope through this sharing of knowledge and experiences, members of the community will have a better understanding of the opportunities and the challenges that lie ahead.