Efe Cadircioglu

Actor & Presenter at London Turkish Radio - London, N/A, GB

Efe Cadircioglu's Colleagues at London Turkish Radio
Efe Cadircioglu's Contact Details
London, England, United Kingdom
London Turkish Radio
Efe Cadircioglu's Company Details
London Turkish Radio logo, London Turkish Radio contact details

London Turkish Radio

London, N/A, GB • 20 - 49 Employees

LTR is the only legitimate, licensed Turkish Radio broadcasting outside of Turkey and the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus. London Turkish Radio (LTR) was launched in 1990 and was called the Turkish Radio, broadcasting to the Turkish and Turkish speaking Communities for the first time under the name of Turkish Radio, for only one hour per day between the hours of 12 midnight to 1am. The name of the radio station changed in 1994 to London Turkish Radio (LTR), and has since grown in popularity, and is the internet radio in Turkish for a full 24hr period outside Turkey and Northern Cyprus. London Turkish Radio has through its online live Internet service, attracted popularity throughout the world, from the USA to Europe, and Asia, and as far as Australia and Japan.

Details about London Turkish Radio
Frequently Asked Questions about Efe Cadircioglu
Efe Cadircioglu currently works for London Turkish Radio.
Efe Cadircioglu's role at London Turkish Radio is Actor & Presenter.
Efe Cadircioglu's email address is ***@londonturkishradio.co.uk. To view Efe Cadircioglu's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Efe Cadircioglu works in the Music industry.
Efe Cadircioglu's colleagues at London Turkish Radio are and others.
Efe Cadircioglu's phone number is N/A
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