Editorial assistant at Anticancer Research USA - Highlands, New Jersey, United States
Publisher of 4 international peer-reviewed journals.ANTICANCER RESEARCH was established in 1981 and is published monthly in print and online. Impact factor (2020): 2.480IN VIVO was established in 1987 and is published bimonthly as an online-only open access journal. Impact factor (2020): 2.155CANCER GENOMICS & PROTEOMICS (CGP) was established in 2004 and is published bimonthly as an online-only open access journal. Impact factor (2020): 4.069CANCER DIAGNOSIS & PROGNOSIS (CDP) was established in 2021 and is published bimonthly as an online-only open access journal.The IIAR journals are regularly indexed in the major bibliographic services (Pubmed, MEDLINE, etc) and hosted by Highwire Press. In Vivo and CGP are also offered through Pubmed Central (PMC).