Founder and Managing Partner at Sefarad Consulting Ltd. - Kefar Sava, Center District, Israel
Sefarad Consulting is an Israeli consulting firm founded in 2003, dedicated to the development of technology firms (mainly start-ups) into new international markets, as a business bridge between Israeli entrepreneurs and those from Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries. Its strategic vision is to facilitate the process of internationalization through the generation and management of opportunities and projects; assuming an active role, cooperating, and offering a significant add value to our clients through a comprehensive model of functions outsourcing. Tactically works closely with a professional network of local associates, carrying out business development, marketing, consulting and pre-sale activity; and management of projects and accounts afterwards. Also offers ‘ad-hoc' consulting services for global firms.Sefarad Consulting Futurecom TeamGuita Horowitz - Business Consultant BrazilYonatán Israel Garzón – Business Consultant IsraelRicardo Moreno Mizrahi – Country Manager PortugalEial Sergio Bluer - Managing Partner