Founding Partner, Advisor at Quantoz Blockchain Technology - Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
At Quantoz we share a passion for transformative innovation and rapidly changing markets due to decentralisation and technological developments.In an era of increasing digitisation, the technology of encoding ownership can be applied for many purposes. Not only will a global cryptocurrency ecosystem transform our payment markets, blockchain technology will further enhance transition to technology-driven networks, unbundling and increasing connections among people. It has the potential to transform many trust-based markets in the near future.Quantoz is an open company and promotes critical thinking and self-organisation. Through transparency and sharing we aim to foster distributed innovation and decision making. We believe that handing power to people enhances choice. This builds trust and loyalty. Therefore our mission is to service socially valued and open, decentralised concepts. For this, we provide partners with pragmatic blockchain solutions by leveraging internal and external insights and technical capabilities.Our multi-award winning financial gateways NEXUS and QUASAR harness the power of blockchain technology and cryptography.NEXUS is our platform for automated token, crypto and fiat transaction processing. It connects traditional financial infrastructure to public and private blockchains.Our QUASAR solution enables instant and compliant peer-to-peer (micro) transactions and settlement between 'things'. Turn your internet-connected devices into (pay-per-use) monetizing services.