DI2X is an ambitious Digital Leadership Research Institute with a focus on digital maturity and transformation. We deliver a set of comprehensive and proven frameworks and online tools for leaders and organizations who want to understand, prioritize, and execute on all the evolving technological possibilities. For key employees or consultants we offer an in-depth certification to help organizations get the full value of our tools. We link strategy, organizational structure, and leadership with technology in a comprehensive, thorough, and effective approach. Our digital tools and certification programs aid and enhance leaders, management teams and the whole organization's ability to advance their digital maturity through turning intuitions into clear and concrete actions. We know that it can be complex to identify new areas of digital focus and break down the organizational challenges and barriers in a constantly changing digital world. Technology is the foundation for all organizations, but four out of five organizations do not fulfill their strategic digital ambitions. We would like to change that! Vi obsess about educating you to help others, or to help yourselves. Our ambition is to improve all leaders' and managers' ability to move forward, to get an overview, and to create confidence in the journey towards a higher level of digital maturity.