Building Communities Through Building Serious Families not Virtual RelationshipFamily consists of a Wise female and a responsible man which are the pillars for everything later.We believe in building those pillars through ethics that will enhance the chance to increase the success of happy families, Now it's the time to catch serious people among virtual networks and connect them together with our platform Queen Muslima.We are using Smart Algorithms and Different UX Experience to cover main gaps that hide those serious people in a form of dating and love with some emojis. And consequently destroy the Main vision of the family and leave the Virtual Market hide real couples emotionsWhen Queen Muslima started, there were many places providing unlimited fake accounts or even channels for unserious Matrimony. For sure we will not guarantee the intention for people, but we concentrate to provide managed service to praise the small percent of serious people based on Islamic traditions and beliefs – as much as we can, rather than collecting fake accounts for showing that we have millions of members.Meeting seriously someone online for marriage is too hard in the dummy profiles, and mainly for mismatching requirements, at the same time risky. And so Queen Muslima was created as the first website that was open and honest about what you could find there. As a place free of judgment. Originally designed specifically for people that hope to build a family in the most private way possible, and so much more…