Founded 2007 to help businesses in Nigeria reach more customers faster, easier and cheaper using the internet as a gateway. Bargain Master brings quality products from physically verified sellers across Nigeria to millions of customers looking for a better way to find what they want at best prices. Our goal is to deliver true convenience to our customers (Sellers and Buyers) while maintaining the highest standards in our market. Businesses using our marketplace website to sell products are happier because they take more profits home than any other place. Customers have fun shopping on our website because they share more with friends on our website and on their birthday we don't just send them real gift like cake, they get amazing offers from sellers on our website. Security? B-verified is our unique verification solution (a no nonsense security strategy) that takes out scammers, fraudsters and plain old internet thieves intending to use our website to sell products online in Nigeria. It's simple, we know you customers trust you, we don't know you, customers won't buy from you. Shop all you want, connect with friends, build a business and make your life easier. Bargain Master Nigeria is always helping.