Programme Assistant at SchoolNet Sri Lanka - Pannipitiya, Western Province, Sri Lanka
Ministry of Education with Asian development bank funded secondary Education modernization project has taken the initiative to establish a wide-area network (WAN) connecting most of the senior secondary schools & other related organization. This network is referred to as SchoolNet. The Network Operation Center (NOC) of SchoolNet is currently located at University of Moratuwa. SchoolNet is nation-wide infrastructure that brings all organizations related to School Education System online. It can be thought of as a platform for Next Generation Learning. Under Stage 1 of SchoolNet Implementation, the following organizations related to School Education System were connected. * 1000 Schools * 100 Computer Resource Centers * 17 National Colleges of Education * Ministry of Education * National Institute of Education * 8 Provincial ICT Centers * Project Management Offices of the Secondary Education Modernization Project * Zonal Education Offices * Provincial Education Offices All the above places are in a single Virtual Private Network (VPN) and VPN is connected to SchoolNet NOC using a high bandwidth connection using fiber. SchoolNet NOC is connected to Internet using a high bandwidth link and all VPN nodes access Internet through this link. Under Stage 1 of SchoolNet, 1203 places have been connected to SchoolNet. Connectivity for Stage 1 of the project was provided by Sri Lanka Telecom (SLT). Stage 2 of SchoolNet to connect 500 more places is currently in progrress. This stage is implemented by both Sri Lanka Telecom and Dialog Telekom.