To get your Brand into the business for the first time, it will probably take an onsite evaluation to meet the procurement team's needs.To get your latest products into an established account, it will probably take an onsite evaluation to encourage the account to put your product on their preferred buy list.To get your product involved with a new project, it will probably take an onsite evaluation to trial out the concept.To get your product in front of customers and resellers, it will take a system very similar to an evaluation process to get equipment ready for trade shows and exhibitions.To assist any online sales organisations that you are doing business with, you be asked to give the evaluation units. This is so that they can do all they need to do get your equipment set up on their e-commerce systems.To get your brand visible you probably need an evaluation process targeted at press and key journalists. This will give your products visibility to customers looking for positive reference information.To get your brand visible you probably need an evaluation process targeted at getting your product into product placement situations, using visibility in TV, film and published media to get you brand visibility. Apple certainly thought so with their ‘Buzz' program.To get visibility in retail you probably need an equipment management process to support your retail training teams.What you really need is the Evaluation Team as a partner. The #1 supplier of evaluation services and equipment management services, supporting the Sales and Marketing teams of leading IT Brands.