Senior Retail Sales and Development Manager at Culture Homes - Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong,
Culture Homes was founded in 2001 as an end-to-end integrated solution provider for elderly care and services. A part of CTL Group, we are a Hong Kong based company providing quality elderly lifestyle and rehabilitative products, and professional nursing care services. At Culture Homes, we are committed to providing innovative, quality-focused and professional products and services for the active aging and the aged, and empowering them to be the best they can be at every age.Our keys businesses include: - Elderly homes- Lifestyle and Rehabilitation Products (retail & wholesale) - Experience and Service Centers for the Elderly - Senior Community - Home Improvement and Corporate Consultancy Services For more information, please email us at文化村成立於2001年,隸屬於文化科技集團,多年來紮根香港,為長者護理、復康及銀髮市場提供優質及專業的一站式產品和綜合服務。現時我們在香港、澳門和中國內地的銷售點超過1000個,遍佈全中國各省市。我們的品牌使命是致力實踐積極樂頤年,為新一代樂齡及長者提供創新、優質和專業的產品及服務,使他們在人生的每個階段都能發揮最好,於生活上綻放無限可能。我們的主要業務包括- 專業護理安老院 - 生活及復康產品(零售及批發)- 長者生活體驗中心 - 長者住宅及退休社區 - 家居改造及企業諮詢服務 如有任何查詢,請與我們聯絡