Easter (ISMN: 979-0-800136-00-9)This is a biology proof. Theorizing that DNA/RNA/protein bindings should be algebraically solvable, we are juking certain classes of macromolecules for better models+investigation of their related neuropathologies (sampleset: PD, HD, MS, Alzheimer's/diabetes, ALS), cotangent viral groups (sampleset: EBV, HIV, influenza, Ebola), and possible extrapolations to cancer (ie. kinase catalysis). Doing so requires decomposition of a large number of long random walks, to which we are applying a homebrew artificial intelligence (lnq). Our compute is distributed over a mobile cluster, allowing for user engagement in polyplexity (PP).///note: We are not creating a pharmaceutical (tangible chemical) nor a therapy. This is strictly molecular modeling of peptide conjugates using distributed computer technology (UUe), the preliminary step in accommodating lab-based rational drug design+synthesis.///Our first objective is to create a radiotracer for alpha-synuclein (at the request of the Michael J. Fox Foundation). The hunch is that the technology can then be applied to a full suite of neurodegenerative (inverted dopamine modulation) diseases, as well.----------opera: a peer produced reimagining of the Books of Genesis+Revelation, told as a gaiden of The Detective (Roderick Thorp). Bookends Pascha (aka 'Joe'/'John') to his roots in Frank Rizzo's Philadelphia so that he can clear his name and conscience.blurb: Illness forces a sleuth to confront his past.tagline: 'Joe vs. John'Like winning? -- There is a $6million bounty prize for successfully meeting the objective(s)🥕. -- https://easter.uuelco.me#carrotkeywords: Parkinson's disease, pharmaceutical, UUe, DIY, mystery, machine learning, polyplexity, opera ludo, MMO/MUD, streaming, Maundy Lindrospress: https://www.uuelco.me/2017/08/easter.html#breadDedicated to the memory of Muhammad Ali🥊.