4Assist is a network of professionals committed to the provision of quality consulting and advisory services in the field of development assistance. We operate through a well established and growing international network of associates, with expertise in different fields. We provide services to beneficiary governments in developing countries and countries in transition, to donor institutions, and to large international consulting firms working in development assistance. Our goal is to strengthen and enhance collaboration and exchange of experiences between our associate experts and establish a knowledge management platform within our network. To date, we have worked extensively in the following thematic areas: Economic Development Public Financial Management Public Administration Agriculture and Rural Development Social Protection Education In addition to our technical expertise we have substantial experience in all principal delivery methods used by donor institutions: Sector and General Budget Support Programmes Sector Policy Support Programmes (SPSP) & Sector Wide Assistance Programmes (SWAPs) Conventional Project Management approaches Technical Assistance We have active presence in the former Soviet Union countries of Central Asia, Caucasus and Eastern Europe, the Balkans, the Middle East, Africa and Southeast Asia.