LUPUS EUROPE is the European umbrella organisation that brings together national lupus patient organisations from across Europe. We aim to support and empower our national organisation members, sharing information with them and promoting better patient-centered processes, both within the healthcare field and at a political level. We also work tirelessly to improve access to healthcare for all lupus patients, advocating on their behalf at European level. Since our humble beginnings, we have grown to represent most of Europe's main countries which, in turn, represent over 30,000 patients in their respective memberships. We have observed the gradual shift in position, where formerly patients were often side-lined and not thought to be capable of contributing to their own care, to the current-day-thinking which aims for increasing patient involvement and communication at all levels. LUPUS EUROPE is now considered a valued partner at medical conferences, in European healthcare organisations fighting for wider patients' rights, and in Europe-wide initiatives aimed at improving healthcare and setting "standards of care" for lupus patients. We see research and clinical trials as key to the future of lupus patients and work with all stakeholders to improve the quality and efficiency of all lupus research. LUPUS EUROPE is a registered UK charity (803768).