HSE Expert at Automotive Industries Research & Innovation Center of SAIPA (AIRIC) - Karaj, Alborz Province, Iran
Through direct investment made by Saipa as an Iranian Company, Automotive Industries Research & Innovation Center of Saipa was established in 1993 and subsequently by building of administrative offices, workshops, laboratories as well as purchasing and installing required hardware and software equipment was officially operated in 1997.The position of Automotive Industries Research & Innovation Center of Saipa at the beginning of products development chain as driving motor of Saipa Group has persuaded this center to enhance its own potentials and capabilities through creation of necessary infrastructures for accomplishment of product development plans and stabilize its position as the pioneer of product development projects specially in the field of Sedan vehicles. Automotive Industries Research & Innovation Center of Saipa is known as the first science-based vehicle-related research and design center in IRAN.