Eli Leon

5th Grade Teacher at Sparta Area School District - Sparta, WI, US

Eli Leon's Contact Details
Bangor,Wisconsin,United States
Sparta Area School District
Eli Leon's Company Details
Sparta Area School District logo, Sparta Area School District contact details

Sparta Area School District

Sparta, WI, US • 250 - 499 Employees

The Sparta Area School District, located in Western Wisconsin, is a great place to grow and learn. Our strength is grounded in our staff, dedicated to providing the best possible learning environment for our students. You will see evidence of this in our progressive curriculum, individualized instruction, unique charter schools, active student organizations, and outstanding special education programs.Our local communities continually show their support for quality education by providing and maintaining excellentschool facilities and advanced educational technology. The parents and guardians in our District have high expectations for their children and take an active role in their children's education. Quality parental involvement in education takes many forms - at home, at parent organizations, after-school activities, tutoring programs, and co-curricular groups.The Sparta Area School District also enjoys a great partnership with local business and industry, which provide work experience opportunities, Junior Achievement instruction, financial support, and special presentations.Finally, our students and alumni show their Spartan Pride wherever they go. Please take time to explore our District, our website, and the Sparta area.

Education Schools Colleges and Universities Primary/Secondary Education
Details about Sparta Area School District
Frequently Asked Questions about Eli Leon
Eli Leon currently works for Sparta Area School District.
Eli Leon's role at Sparta Area School District is 5th Grade Teacher.
Eli Leon's email address is ***@spartan.org. To view Eli Leon's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Eli Leon works in the Primary/secondary Education industry.
Eli Leon's colleagues at Sparta Area School District are Ann Lukasek, Jessica Velez, Kayla Russ, Chloe Erickson, Sam Russ, Amy Schanhofer, Elizabeth Rohman and others.
Eli Leon's phone number is 608-269-3151
See more information about Eli Leon