GEODOMISI Ltd.-Dr. Costas SachpazisCivil & Geotechnical Engineering Consulting Company for Structural Engineering, Soil Mechanics, Rock Mechanics, Foundation Engineering & Retaining Structures.Tel.: +30 210 5238127, 210 5711263 - Fax.:+30 210 5711461. Mobile: +30 6936425722 & +44 7585939944, E-mail: costas@sachpazis.infoGEODOMISI Ltd Consulting Company for CIVIL ENGINEERING & GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING - SOIL & ROCK MECHANICS - FOUNDATION ENGINEERING - ENGINEERING GEOLOGY & WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT is registered at the Ministry of Public Works & holds the professional license No. 440. «GEODOMISI Ltd» is also accepted by the EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Directorate-General III (26 02-1997. Reg. n. 003908), for executing studies in the field of Civil & Geotechnical Engineering, Engineering Geology, Hydrogeology & Environment. Geodomisi's managing director, Dr. C. Sachpazis, Civil & Geotechnical Engineer (BEng (1st Class Hons) Civil Eng. UK, Dipl. Geol, M.Sc.Eng UK, Ph.D. NTUA (E.M.Π.), Post-Doc. UK, MICE), has also been listed in the researchers of the Ministry of Defense to carry out Studies & Researches on Military Projects concerning «NATO-FORTIFICATION-TOP SECRET». Its main objectives & activities are: Civil & Geotechnical Engineering (Structural Analysis & Design, Soil & Rock Mechanics-Foundation Engineering-Slope Stability-Anchored Piled Retaining Wall Systems), Engineering Geology, Hydrogeology, Environmental Engineering, Water Resources Managements & Geophysical projects.