Board member at Föreningen Ekonomerna - The Business Association at Stockholm University - Stockholm, Sverige, Sw
Föreningen Ekonomerna, the Business Association at Stockholm University, is a non-profit, politically impartial association placed under the Faculty of Social Sciences at Stockholm University. The Association was founded in 1965 and has, today, about 1800 members. We strive to increase the benefits for our students by raising questions about education, providing social activities and creating an inspiring place to meet based on dedication and the wish to make valuable contacts for the future.The Association is made up by a number of committees, clubs and projects who with their different orientations and responsibilities offers a wide spectrum of activities that make Föreningen Ekonomerna a necessity for business students with style. Examples of what keeps us busy are: networking, marketing, social events, stock trading, educational issues and international relations. We hang out in Festningen, house 1 in Kräftriket. All students at Stockholm University are welcome to join Föreningen Ekonomerna and all of our members are most welcome to engage in student activities here. Both in pre-existing committees and projects or by creating new ones and thereby increase the return on their student life.We continuously work with our external relations, both with our corporate partners and with other student associations and universities and is a part of the student network U9. Föreningen Ekonomerna is a partner association of Handelshögskolan in Gothenburg's Student Association, HHGS.