Marie Skladowska-Curie ESR at STINTS European Training Network - Birmingham, England, United Kingdom
The Skin Tissue INTegrity under Shear (STINTS) network is focused on the interaction of skin with support surfaces and medical/personal care devices to prevent skin damage resulting from sustained mechanical loading and adverse microclimate. Ranging from skin irritation to Pressure Ulcers and Diabetic Foot Ulcers, the ultimate goal of this consortium is to reduce the huge societal impact and subsequent financial costs associated with skin damage. This will be achieved by improving:– design of preventative aids (e.g., mattresses, shoe insoles, incontinence products);– early diagnosis (via non-invasive biomarkers, sensors, and imaging techniques);– applications of smart materials in wound care;– understanding of skin interactions with consumer products.The STINTS project started in 2019 and constitutes of 13 early stage researchers in collaboration with 8 academic/private beneficiaries and 6 partners worldwide. Our expertise includes, but is not limited to, the following:– biophysical monitoring;– clinical studies;– cellular and tissue biomechanics;– medical and consumer care devices; – medical grade materials;– multiscale simulation; – sensor design and development.Follow us to stay connected for more information and interesting updates! Disclaimer: This profile reflects only the authors' view and the Research Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.