Our history begins in the remote year of 1956: when our grandparents come back from the USA and they founded a bakery. Baking bread is still an important part of our company DOL.C.I.P.P., but the last 40 years have been characterised by another product: chocolate. We set up the first chocolate museum of Italy in 1995 and it shows how much we care about our product and about the world of chocolate. Today we welcome 20,000 visitors per year.We have always been eager to research and innovation and in the past few years we focused on the research and development of healthy and natural products: neutraceutical and functional foods.Thanks to this commitment and thanks to the collaboration with the Fondazione per lo Studio degli Alimenti e della Nutrizione (Foundation for the Study of Nutrition) our company has obtained the Fair Trade certificate, and the official authorisation issued by the Ministry of Health for the production of dietetic gluten-free products for people who suffer from celiac disease as well as the Fair Trade certificate.Following this commitment we have recently launched FoodUp, our new brand aimed to international customers.