Gifted New York State, Inc. (GiftedNYS), is a not-for-profit organization of parents, educators, and professionals who have come together to support the needs of New York's gifted and twice-exceptional (2E) student population and their families.The NeedNew York State is one of only eight states in the country that neither mandates nor funds gifted education.While the nationwide average for identified gifted students is almost 7%, only 1.7% of all New York students are identified. Within minority populations, only 0.9% Black, 0.6% Hispanic, and 1.1% Native American are identified as gifted. The number of gifted students with disabilities, also known as twice-exceptional (2e), is not even tracked. (Source)With only a small fraction of our school districts providing gifted education of any kind, most of our gifted students remain unidentified and under-served.Our Mission- To build awareness and understanding of what it means to be gifted or twice-exceptional- To promote federal, statewide, and local policies and initiatives that support and protect these underrepresented children in our schools- To create community for gifted and twice-exceptional children and their families2020 Strategic InitiativesOur top priorities for the upcoming year are:- To build diversity in our membership and leadership, and- To advocate for a voice for gifted students as New York State undertakes its Reimagine Education initiative.