My-Cap is dedicated to greener coffee products for single serve coffee brewers. We have been serving this market since 2008.The My-Cap products allows you to recycle your single serve capsules. Fill them with your favorite coffee or tea. And use them many times before they have to be thrown out for good. This lowers your cost for each cup of brew and also give you better brews each time.Fine print:Keurig ® and K-Cup ® are registered trademarks of Keurig, Inc. a subsidiary of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Inc. Nespresso® and their logos, and NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® and their logos, are brands registered by Société des Produits Nestlé SA. Tassimo ® and T-Disc ® are registered trademark of Kraft Foods. Starbucks® and their logos are brands registered by Starbucks Corporation. Caffitaly® and their logos are brands registered by Caffitaly System S.p.A. CBTL® and their logos are brands registered by International Coffee and Tea, LLC. Lavazza® and A Modo Mio® and their logos are brands registered by LUIGI LAVAZZA S.p.A. Brand names and references of machine models are made solely with the aim of indicating our products compatibility. Our products and company are not associated in any way with the above companies.