WiserGiving® makes smart philanthropy simple. We provide free interactive tools, resources and expert advice to help you increase your charitable impact and achieve your philanthropy goals. As a nonprofit, our commitment is to provide unbiased guidance customized for you. WiserGiving.org features unique tools that simplify complex issues and provide objective, actionable recommendations based on the knowledge of experts in the field. Currently, our tools include: - WiserGiving Style Quiz http://www.wisergiving.org/quiz/1 reveals your underlying beliefs on how to effect the greatest social change. - WiserGiving Vehicles Wizard http://www.wisergiving.org/quiz/2 recommends charitable vehicles based on your financial, charitable, and personal goals. - Did You Know? http://www.wisergiving.org/quiz/3 measures how much you know about the world of philanthropy. WiserGiving is part of Bolder Giving (www.boldergiving.org), a nonprofit organization that encourages people to build bold giving into their lives and then shares the stories of these generous givers to inspire others.