Elizabeth Cable

Operations Administrator at Safe & Sound - Milwaukee, WI, US

Elizabeth Cable's Contact Details
Safe & Sound
Elizabeth Cable's Company Details
Safe & Sound logo, Safe & Sound contact details

Safe & Sound

Milwaukee, WI, US • 20 - 49 Employees

Safe & Sound Mission: We unite residents, youth, law enforcement and community resources to build safe and empowered neighborhoods.Safe neighborhoods are essential. Though adult and youth organizing, education and relationship development, including partnerships with law enforcement and community resources, Safe & Sound helps bolster community capacity leading to improved neighborhood conditions, activation of community-led initiatives and opportunities for youth. We meet residents on their own porches and around their neighborhoods connecting them to safety, health and education resources and encouraging participation in crime reporting, neighborhood improvement projects and other activities. Because adults and youth can sometimes have different focuses and sometimes share priorities and initiatives, we offer adult-focused and youth-focused organizing. Giving distinct forums for younger and older individuals meets the needs of both groups and yet, offers ample opportunities for integration of activities, role modeling behaviors, energizing youth voice and all that comes with full community involvement. As a prevention initiative for the Wisconsin HIDTA we also promote anti-drug awareness keeping people safe though good decision making.These community priorities have further support through our partnership with the Milwaukee Police District and Office of the District Attorney as part of the Community Prosecution Unit (CPU). While the CPU name may sound slightly autocratic, in fact, it is a highly interactive and responsive team designed to understand and develop solutions to neighborhood crime. The CPU Coordinator, a Safe & Sound employee serves as a community liason, helping community members safely report crime and non emergency safety concerns, supporting nuisance property abatement and fostering positive community-police relationships. We are Safer. Stronger. Together. To learn more, please visit us at safesound.org

community organizing youth development community police relations public private partnerships community organizing and outreach public private partnership neighborhood safety capacity building mentorship safety planning leadership technical assistance drug and crime prevention public safety Non-Profit Nonprofit Organization Management
Details about Safe & Sound
Frequently Asked Questions about Elizabeth Cable
Elizabeth Cable currently works for Safe & Sound, Inc..
Elizabeth Cable's role at Safe & Sound, Inc. is Operations Administrator.
Elizabeth Cable's email address is ***@safesound.org. To view Elizabeth Cable's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Elizabeth Cable works in the Nonprofit Organization Management industry.
Elizabeth Cable's colleagues at Safe & Sound are Leah Barron, Layla Johnson, Alan Sands, Melanie Brinkman, Billy Sears, Celine Carlson, Laurie Doran and others.
Elizabeth Cable's phone number is 414-220-4798
See more information about Elizabeth Cable