ALM Consulting Limited ("ALM") commenced business in May 2010 as Trustees and Corporate Investment Advisers having been duly registered by the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"). We offer Trusteeship Services in the following principal areas:Public Trust - Trustees in Municipal Bond Issuance Programme; Collective Investment Schemes, Real Estate Investment Trust Scheme (REITS).Corporate Trust - Trustees in Syndication / Consortium lending, Trustees under Public Private Partnerships (PPP), Share Trustees and Nominee Services.Private Trust – Trustees under Education Trust, Living Trusts. We offer Will Drafting and Custodian Services and act as Administrators of Estates.Our Trust Services trades under the name "ALM Trustees".ALM has the following competitive advantages: Resourceful, Experienced and Committed Directors Technical Experience and Knowledge in core business area targeted Integrity and Extensive Market and Business Contacts.