Director Of External Relations at Baltimore Metropolitan Council - Baltimore, MD, US
WHO WE ARE The Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC) is a nonprofit organization that works with the region's elected executives to identify mutual interests and develop collaborative strategies, plans and programs that will help improve the quality of life and economic vitality. BMC is a resource for the region.OUR GOAL To improve the quality of life and economic vitality in the Baltimore region.OUR AREAS OF ACTIVITY - Air and Water Quality Programs - Building Permits Data System - Computer Mapping Applications - Cooperative Purchasing - Economic and Demographic Research - Emergency Preparedness and Public Safety - Rideshare Coordination - Transportation Planning - Housing and Workforce Development PlanningHISTORY The Baltimore Metropolitan Council was formed in 1992 as the successor to the Regional Planning Council and Baltimore Regional Council of Governments.BMC AND THE BRTBThe Baltimore Regional Transportation Board is the federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization for transportation planning in the Baltimore region.Locally elected executives of the BMC board also serve on the BRTB. The mayor of Annapolis and representatives of Queen Anne's County, the Maryland Departments of Transportation, the Environment, and Planning, as well as the Maryland Transit Administration also serve on the BRTB.FOR MORE INFORMATION, please visit: Please do not contact BMC employees to inquire about job openings at BMC. Instead, please visit for listings and instructions.