Communications and Student Engagement Academic Assistant at Massive Data Institute - Washington, Washington, United States
The Massive Data Institute (MDI) at Georgetown's McCourt School of Public Policy focuses on the secure and responsible use of data to answer public policy questions. MDI works with researchers in government, academia, and industry to solve societal-scale problems using novel and traditional large-scale data sources. MDI's strategic partnerships promote community and innovation across the health, social, computer, and data sciences.MDI draws on expertise from across Georgetown's campus and beyond, including the social, natural, and computer science departments, and through strategic partnerships with organizations like the Beeck Center for Social Impact and Innovation, Lawrence Livermore Laboratories, the Institute for Social Research at University of Michigan, and the Pew Charitable Trust. The U.S. Census Bureau has designated MDI a Federal Statistical Research Data Center, one of only 23 in the nation.The MDI regularly awards seed grants, houses post-doctoral fellows, and hosts panels and faculty seminars on public policy and massive data.