Enriched Schools is a national movement of diverse local leaders working to eliminate the loss of student learning due to teacher absence. We're educators, creatives, stay-at-home parents, graduate students, activists, and more - looking for a way to make a difference in our local communities, and ensure every day counts for kids.As a member of the Enriched community, you're called a Guest Educator and can teach part-time, full-time, or when your schedule permits. You will have the opportunity to work with local schools to ensure every day is a day-"on" for kids in one of 15+ regions nationwide.You will use your unique skills and life experiences to build connections with students and help inspire them to pursue a brighter future. You will also have access to a network of like-minded colleagues on a mission to re-imagine a broken substitute teaching system, as well as opportunities to make a difference in roles nationwide.Join the movement and inspire the next generation. Making every day count starts with you.Get started today, because #kidscantwait: http://bit.ly/KCWEnriched