We train Tax Credit and other affordable housing professionals to be Compliance Confident!! Offering online training available 24/7, public/private classes and numerous tools.Since 1995, Elizabeth Moreland Consulting, Inc. has helped thousands and thousands of hard working property managers, compliance specialists, developers, State Monitoring Agency staff, investors and asset managers master the complex regulations of the Tax Credit and other affordable housing programs. Through a full array of public and private workshops, Housing Credit Online Training Center courses available 24/7, a vast array of products and consulting services, and the National Compliance Professional Membership Group, Elizabeth Moreland Consulting, Inc. has become known as the place to go to when needing to learn the rules, facing a tough compliance or management issue, or hoping to network with other industry professionals from across the country!ONLINE TRAINING: Housing Credit Online Training Center NCP Professional Development CenterREFERENCE GUIDES: Practical Solutions for Managing Tax Credit Developments Solving the Eligibility Puzzle... 5 Steps to Determining EligibilityEXAM PREP GUIDE: Compliance Certification Study GuideFORMS & SYSTEMS: Certification Processing Kit Policy & Procedure Boot Camp In A BoxSERVICES: Compliance Coach Unlimited Training Subscription NCP Membership Group Consulting Private training