Fait maison, 100 façons (FM100F) is a brand new local service offered to individuals and families alike. Based in the Ville-Marie borrow of Montréal, Québec, we offer our hands, apron and skills to help alleviate the stress and pressure of home cooking healthy meals. In short, we come to YOUR house, to cook YOUR ingredients, in YOUR kitchen for YOU and YOURS, making it 100% allergy safe and zero waste. Bonus : FM100F does not use any disposable containers but rather strives to apply durable and environmental friendly solutions.WE'RE THE KITCHEN DOULAS!We cook recipes of your choice, in your desired quantities and at the pace and frequency that you need. Should you wish to cook alongside us and learn a few tricks in the language you are most at ease with, that is also possible!FLEXIBLE, SAFE and COST SAVY!Our service is charged by the hour, at a rate that matches your family's income, and varies depending on the service, the duration and frequency needed. The ingredients remain under your responsibility to by and provide. That way you keep a tight grip on your budget. Our improvisation expert homecook will then use what you already have at home to fix the meals needed when she visits your home. We also have Gift Cards on sale so that you may offer our service to friends, neighbors and family when ever they too need a break. They make GREAT baby shower gifts!Call us for a free consultation!Éliz Robert FM100F@yahoo.com https://www.facebook.com/faitmaison100facons/http://intagram.com/fm100f/