With purpose, through passion. We do this to positively impact the lives of those around us. We are in the business of people and for the people. We exist because with the demands of the modern world, coaching is a necessity. Our true reward is witnessing people transform, become the best versions of themselves, and then amplify that impact into their communities.We look to make fitness and wellness meaningful to everyone, and specific to their needs and lifestyle. Through these meaningful changes, we at Incite Coaching strive to build a community of supportive and motivated people. Those that will lift you up and push you through the challenges of the journey to better health and wellness.At Incite Coaching, we embrace a whole-person collaborative approach to fitness and wellness without losing sight of the science surrounding health and behaviour change. Focusing on behaviour accountability, we assist you in staying on track to achieve what you desire. The secondary focus is on results and outcomes as a means of assessing our plan and approach. Our services allow us to focus on your multifaceted needs without limiting our approach to just physical, mental, emotional, or social changes.All of our programming is done by University level kinesiology professionals along with our psychology and behaviour change experts. Our team considers every facet of your lifestyle and curates a customized strategy. We specialize in finding ways of "lowering activation energy" and assist in "reducing the friction" and inertia of not starting. Our habit-based coaching helps you make long term meaningful changes in your life.