Elizabeth Vijaya

ASST.PROFESSOR at Holy Cross College - South Bend, IN, US

Elizabeth Vijaya's Contact Details
Thoothukudi,Tamil Nadu,India
Holy Cross College
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Holy Cross College

South Bend, IN, US • 250 - 499 Employees

Holy Cross College is a Catholic liberal arts college located in Notre Dame, Indiana. Four intensive student experiences wrap around our demanding core curriculum. The first experience is an internship in a field relevant to the student's interest. The second experience is service learning. The third is a global perspective experience. This option currently involves Uganda, India, and Peru. The fourth is the classroom experience of excellent academics. Overarching these pillars is the Senior Capstone where students formally summarize and reflect upon the ways they have learned and grown over the course of their four years.Holy Cross College professors are teachers first. In the tradition of Blessed Basil Moreau, C.S.C., they are also mentors and friends. Holy Cross offers varsity sports (NAIA), student leadership opportunities and a vibrant program of Campus Ministry. Besides its predominantly lay composition, it has also been an institution of choice for educating the Brothers of Holy Cross and undergraduate seminarians in the Congregation of Holy Cross.

Education College/University Colleges and Universities Higher Education
Details about Holy Cross College
Frequently Asked Questions about Elizabeth Vijaya
Elizabeth Vijaya currently works for Holy Cross College.
Elizabeth Vijaya's role at Holy Cross College is ASST.PROFESSOR.
Elizabeth Vijaya's email address is ***@hcc-nd.edu. To view Elizabeth Vijaya's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Elizabeth Vijaya works in the Higher Education industry.
Elizabeth Vijaya's colleagues at Holy Cross College are S Nimmy, Jodie Sweet, Tryon John, Krishna Suganthi, Katy Cressy, Walsh Kyle, Edward Delage and others.
Elizabeth Vijaya's phone number is 574-239-8395
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