We here at Nucleus are driven to providing top-tier quality service in the veterinary technology field, offering solutions and guidance for the discerning vet.NeoVetThe NeoVet leads the market in therapeutic shockwave technology; built on 18 years of equine industry experience. Like its predecessors, it hails from Switzerland where some of the same engineers that built the old market leaders crafted the NeoVet. It is the first shockwave device designed specifically for equine veterinarians and not simply an adaptation of a human medical device. Those aspects of previous technologies which proved successful have been preserved. The new development focused on improving clinical effectiveness, usability, portability and value.https://www.neoshockwave.com/NOLTREXAt Nucleus, we also have brought to market an injectable therapeutic, Noltrex, which is a highly viscous, non-soluble, synthetic hydrogel for intra-articular injections currently for sale in Canada and under clinical trials in the United States. Noltrex is pressed against the inner linings of the joints through hydrostatic pressure, creating a lubricated film that reduces friction and protects the joint against effects of overuse.https://www.noltrexvet.com/