Secretária-geral at IBCO Instituto Brasileiro dos Consultores de Organizacao - , , Brazil
The IBCO Institute IBCO is a non-profit Institute whose members are management consultants (individuals and companies) as well as Institutional Members who wish to support ethics and quality in management consulting activities. These members voluntarily contribute to finance the Institute's activities and its branches throughout Brazil. To be a member candidates must submit themselves to tests that evaluate their proficiency, experience and practices. Once certified, they compromise themselves to comply with the Institute's mission, objectives and Code of Ethics. To ensure members are highly qualified professionals with ethical conduct IBCO carefully examines candidates' references and enforces its Code of Ethics. Member's performance and reliability is recognized by businessmen for which they have worked for. IBCO's main activity is the permanent research of technologies and methodologies regarding consulting and ethical behavior. Permanent discussion on the opportunities and challenges in this profession generate information that is transmitted to its members and clients as well. The certification process of IBCO's members guarantees the market about their professional competence and ethical conduct.