Ellen Macri

Developemntal Therapist at Capitol City Speech Therapy - Fuquay Varina, NC, US

Ellen Macri's Contact Details
Capitol City Speech Therapy
Ellen Macri's Company Details
Capitol City Speech Therapy logo, Capitol City Speech Therapy contact details

Capitol City Speech Therapy

Fuquay Varina, NC, US • 20 - 49 Employees

Capitol City Speech Therapy is a therapist owned company that provides unique and innovative Speech, Language and Swallowing Therapy and Community Based Rehabilitative Services that include the client and caregiver. The philosophy of Capitol City Speech Therapy is to improve your communication skills using an innovative "coaching approach." Our skilled therapists will not only teach you new skills, they will also teach them to your identified "coaches," the family friends and caregivers who will help you use your new skills throughout the day. This is fastest road to success. Come see what everyone is talking about.

Speech and Language Therapy Feeding and Swallowing Therapy Community Based Rehabilitative Services Pragmatic / Social Language Groups Preschool Summer Camps and Track Out Programs Hospital/Clinic Specialty Hospitals Except Psychiatric Hospital & Health Care
Details about Capitol City Speech Therapy
Frequently Asked Questions about Ellen Macri
Ellen Macri currently works for Capitol City Speech Therapy.
Ellen Macri's role at Capitol City Speech Therapy is Developemntal Therapist.
Ellen Macri's email address is ***@capitolcityspeechtherapy.com. To view Ellen Macri's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Ellen Macri works in the Hospital & Health Care industry.
Ellen Macri's colleagues at Capitol City Speech Therapy are Patti Leveille, Jessica Pruette, Ann Marchese, Jenna Chitla, Tracy Barnes, Shelby Potts, Ann Marchese and others.
Ellen Macri's phone number is 919-577-6807
See more information about Ellen Macri