Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant at Building Blocks Therapy - Arlington, VA, US
Our primary ABA therapy teaching method is Verbal Behavior Therapy (VB) based on the theories of behaviorist B.F. Skinner. It can help both young children beginning to learn language, as well as older children with delayed or disordered language and skills.Verbal Behavior motivates your child to learn language by connecting words with their purposes. A child learns that words can help obtain desired objects or other results.Verbal Behavior employs teaching strategies such as early mand traning, frequent opportunities to mand, "errorless teaching" and other strategies which minimize frustration while learning.Our therapists provide immediate and high reinforcement – such as candy, bubbles, stickers or whatever the child likes – to support the immediate and frequent attempts that help improve your child's communication and skills.While edibles and toys are often used for early learners or difficult responses, these are faded to natural enforcers that should maintain the specific response. Our goal is to help your child and have fun in the process.Verbal Behavior can not only strengthen verbal communication, but also improve non-verbal communication such as gestures, eye contact and pointing. AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) devices can be used with VB as well.