Getting stuff done takes a whole lot of time and effort. With so many trades and services operating around Australia it's hard to know exactly who to call and impossible to keep track of contact details. Taskforce Australia was born out of this frustration, a desire for One Name, One Number, Any job. Whether you need an accountant, a plumber, photographer, relocation service or just a taxi there should be one number to call where ever you are. Taskforce is a national trade and services franchise group. It's EASY for customers: just ring one NATIONAL number, 13TASK, for any job. Customers simply enter their postcode and say the type of trade or service they require. They are then connected directly to the Taskforce tradesman or service provider in that area. No operator, no callbacks, just direct contact. It's a REVOLUTION for trades and services: national advertising will deliver customers to your doorstep for a minimal advertising fee and NO franchise fee. Supplier discounts, thanks to Taskforce's buying power, will also help you deliver the most competitive quotes and you can pick your territory, as long as you get in quick before someone else grabs it! Head to to learn more or sister site to list your business.