Tiny Labs was founded in 2014 by Elliot Buller. Elliot previously worked for the Office of the Chief Scientist at Qualcomm on various projects including embedded filesystems, wireless telematics for automotive and bluetooth low energy solutions.Tiny Labs was built around one passion; to create practical and technical solutions that help democratize electronics. We build solutions that make life easier for developers and that make life more convenient for consumers. Tiny Labs approach is all about bridging the gap between industrial scale electronic development and maker scale development. All projects (consumer or industry facing) are built around an open source ideology and a desire to only work on solutions that can have open source off-shoots which benefit the community at large. It's first two projects, Keysy and LEOS, illustrate this approach. KEYSY: Keysy is the world's first consumer RFID key card and key fob duplicator and storage device. Historically, copying key cards and key fobs has been a time-consuming, difficult, and expensive process. Keysy is a new technology developed by Tiny Labs that allows users open sharing and duplication of up to four RFID credentials per device. OPENFIXTURE: OpenFixture is an open-source offshoot of Keysy development. OpenFixture is a fully parametric programming/test fixturing solution written in openscad. The inputs are generated/captured from the users board layout software and a laser cuttable fixture is generated automagically. LEOS: (Lightweight Embedded Operating System) is a revolutionary approach for ARM Cortex microcontrollers. Focused on code reuse across vendor chipsets, power optimization, and binary compatibility. It seeks to democratize chip sets and open up access to the powerful solutions they provide to all developers.