Evers and Company, CPA's, L.L.C. began business in 1974 and through steady growth has become a well-known and respected firm in Central Missouri. Our concepts of service are: A professional service can only be acquired from someone who is capable of rendering that service; the successful performance of the service depends on an understanding of the client's business; a professional relationship includes an obligation to raise questions and suggestions; and a professional service includes both promptness and thoroughness in responding to requests from the client. Our Expertise in serving not-for-profit organizations and the auditing experience of our partners and professional staff qualifies us to serve as your accountants and auditors. Our philosophy of service requires a close understanding of your business, and an involvement on a regular basis with your management in order to maintain an awareness of your financial and accounting objectives, goals and needs; to assist in developing plans to obtain such goals; and to monitor progress for developments which may affect planning and year-end budgeting.