Health Advocacy Strategies (H.A.S.) is a specialty firm that helps healthcare companies integrate the authentic patient voice throughout their branding, marketing and communications. H.A.S. connects these companies with people who want to share their healthcare stories with other consumers. H.A.S. evaluates and analyzes a company's current inclusion of real patients, identifies opportunities and barriers, and then designs and implements a comprehensive Patient Experience Integration Strategy. Building on the firm's expertise in developing and managing patient relationships and its proprietary, HIPAA-compliant technology and systems, H.A.S. enables healthcare companies to infuse the passion and authenticity of real people throughout external and internal communication channels, including traditional DTC and online efforts as well as evolving specialty social media forums designed for privacy and compliance. Health Advocacy Strategies is a Health Perspectives Group (HPG, LLC) company. To learn more, visit our website at www.hastrategies or email us at