Chef de departement Commercial at OSAnet - San Gregorio di Catania, Sicilia, Italy
OSAnet is an italian ICT company based in Sicily since 2001. Their SW solutions have been used extensively in several large Public Administration Entities as well as commercial Companies throughout Italy. OSAnet is: - registered to the CCIAA of Catania and to the Supplier Register of the Sicilian Region; - associated to CONFAPI Sicilia, ETNA VALLEY PRODUCTIVE DISTRICT, UNIMATICA; - part of the e- Market Place CONSIP; - a ICT Service Provider (Installation, Formation and Maintenance); - a production and sale's company of application solutions SW "ad hoc" which are reliable, tested and immediately available. In addition, OSAnet can realize "ex novo solutions" or can integrate its existing products' offer with innovative technology such as RFID or Energy Management.At present OSAnet is the only producer and distributor of its own solutions but it is particularly sensitive towards partnership proposals in order to market some of their SW solutions internationally. On this purpose, english sw versions are already made and tested.In Sicily, OSAnet is the only reference of CASPUR, (Consorzio Interuniversitario per le Applicazioni di Supercalcolo per Università e Ricerca), for Bibliographical Archives recover