telecommunication manager at West Minister Technologies UAE - Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
WESTMINISTER TECHNOLOGIES is a UAE based partner of WESTMINSTER INTERNATIONAL, UK,, offering the highest quality services in providing solutions to the safety and security industry. Our portfolio concentrates on four key fields:SAFETYSECURITYFIREDEFENSE We offer tailored solutions for all types of technologies for projects in the UAE. Our portfolio includes security, safety and fire for government institutions, military, civil defence, on/offshore oil and gas facilities, security industry, projects & buildings including towers, residences, hotels, schools, universities, offices, hospitals, manufacturing plants, storage facilities, etc.. A detailed PORTFOLIO is available. It lists products, services and solutions, including specialist products sourced for the Gulf regionPART I: PRODUCT RANGEPART II: SOLUTIONSPART III: SPECIALIST PROUCTS & SERVICES