Metra+ (MetraPlus) helps companies and Orgs improve their performance, reduce risks and strengthen capabilities, making their cyber-systems more secure, reliable and resilient.We apply state of the art problem solving mechanisms and systems engineering, technology & math-based approach, to suit diverse clients' needs. Our analytical capabilities, including the use of computer science, mathematics and complex systems allow us to see the big picture in an interdisciplinary and novel approach.WHAT WE DO:---------------We Assess, Test, Simulate, Train, Design and Automate:+ Cyber Systems+ Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS/IoT)+ Intelligent Systems+ Industrial Control Systems (ICS)+ Socio-Technical Systems (Enterprises/ORGs)WHAT WE OFFER / Services & Solutions:-----------------------------------------+ Systems Assessment & Testing+ Systems Modelling & Simulation+ Systems Training+ Systems Analysis+ Systems Engineering+ Systems Automation