Emilia Films was founded in Mexico to cater to the demands of Advertising Agencies and Advertisers requiring a young yet experienced profile of Directors to better communicate their messages to the evolving market. Emilia Films has grown from a small production company in Guadalajara addressing the needs of the local market for creative and talented professionals who could carry their message, confine themselves to the reality of a small market and deliver quality comparable to any of the best advertising in the world. "The expectations to deliver first class quality is the same for any budget we just have to think", such is the philosophy Emilia Films is based on.Emilia Films has now expanded to Mexico City where Diego S. Bara is the Producer and Representative, Juan Pablo Gonzalez is Director and Executive Producer, and to the U.S. with offices based in Miami, Fl. where Teresa Bara is the Executive Producer in charge of Operations and Representation.The Talent pool includes directors from Mexico, Colombia, Canada, and Italy who are all unique in their fields ranging from emotional storytelling, comedy, cars, beauty and table top. We are confidant our clients will find us a one stop shop for the HIspanic Market, we are a flexible, moveable and an energetic company born in the Guerrilla Marketing era, so frankly there is nothing we cannot deliver no matter how complex the project.www.emiliafilms.com