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WE are Webasto!Webasto Roof Systems Americas is based in Auburn Hills, Michigan, and is part of Webasto Group, located in Stockdorf, Germany. A Top 100 global automotive supplier and a market leader for sunroofs, panorama roofs, convertible roofs and parking heaters, Webasto generates sales of approximately 3.2 billion euros and employs more than 12,000 people across 50 locations globally (over 30 are manufacturing plants).Time and again, the company sets technology trends in its core business segments. Given its competency profile, Webasto also develops products for emerging markets, and since 2016, has been building its new E-Solutions & Services business unit, which develops and produces charging solutions and battery systems for electromobility. Did you Know? - Webasto makes 55% of the world's sunroofs. - 1 in every 6 cars on the road carries a Webasto sunroof.- WE make the world's biggest sunroof.- Webasto has been a family-owned company since 1901 - that sense of family still runs deep in our daily work and interactions with one another.