Change a Life Foundation is a private family foundation that is funded by one individual donor family founded in 2001. Change a Life Foundation has funded over $32,000,000 in grants and scholarships by changing one life at a time --and impacted over 672,060 individual lives during that time period. The Foundation's purpose is to significantly help individuals and families who, through no fault of their own, have experienced an injury, illness, disability, or catastrophic life event, and who are suffering financial hardship, by providing support for critically needed direct services that promote their self-sufficiency and improve their quality of life. Grants are made through a one-time or short-term (average twelve months) intervention. Grant beneficiaries are required to be legal residents or US citizens. The Foundation intends that funds will be used as a last resort. Applications must discuss research into all available alternate funding sources. All of these elements are required for applications to be eligible.Applications are submitted online and are only available to only pre-selected, board approved non-profit charitable organizations that apply to the Foundation on behalf of their clients in their case management. The Foundation does not accept unsolicited applications.