Founder, The Screentime Consultant at The Screentime Consultant, LLC - Seattle, Washington, United States
Emily Cherkin is The Screentime Consultant. She is an internationally recognized public speaker and parent coach whose mission is to help children thrive in a tech-saturated world by teaching parents strategies to create better balance with screentime.Emily has been featured in The New York Times, Good Morning America, The Today Show, Q13 Fox News Seattle, Weekend Today (Australia), KIRO Seattle, Telegraph UK, Bethesda Magazine, We're Momming Today, Healthy Screen Habits, Log Off and Listen Up, and has written several pieces published by PEPs, Seattle'sChild, ParentMap,, and more.As part of her mission to help parents navigate screentime limits without conflict, Emily has had engagements as a public speaker for several public school districts, an elite branch of the U.S. Military, the Washington State Association of Play Therapists, PEPS, the Northwest Association of Independent Schools, Parent Map, and Sparkle Spot Learning (just to name a few).To help parents with screentime struggles, Emily has developed an approach based on research and delivered with empathy and humor. Her practical guidelines help parents form a foundation based on their family's values and emphasize small, sustainable change over going cold turkey (which nearly always fails).Contact Emily to find a better way to work with your children on screentime boundaries instead of against them.Go to: for more information on how Emily can help you or your organization.Emily CherkinOwnerThe Screentime Consultant, LLCemily@thescreentimeconsultant.comthescreentimeconsultant.comP.S. Emily's calendar fills up quickly, so be sure to contact her as soon as possible to participate as a speaker at your next event.