Insight Seminars was one of the forerunners of the personal development seminar movement. Insight Seminars began in the US in 1978 and has since run seminars in 16 languages in over 34 countries around the world. Over 1 million people worldwide have now taken the Insight 1 seminar. Insight Seminars is part of the continuing education division of Insight University based in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. The main seminar is called Insight 1: the Awakening Heart and is the first programme in a series of 4 programmes. Participants often have a profound experience and learn practical tools that support them living a more authentic, successful and abundant life. The seminars are experiential, transformational education and explore the "heart", the centre of the authentic SELF. Carefully structured processes of lectures, one-to-one exercises, "sharings", and guided imagery build day-by-day, creating for participants an experience of caring for themselves and others. The seminar atmosphere is one of unconditional acceptance, safety, and support.